Thursday, 19 May 2016

Top 5 SEO Principles That Will Help You Drive On-Page SEO Success!

Gone are the days when search engine optimization was as simple as checking things off a list. Nowadays, a lot of new things have come into existence. For example, mobile search has surpassed desktop search, call-only ads, the rise of voice search, and social media SEO change are transforming the shape of the future SEO services. So in 2016, businesses need to think differently and follow a different approach to drive On-Page search engine optimization success.

On Page SEO Services

We have compiled a few on-page SEO principles for moving your on-page SEO success forward:

1. Satisfy your searcher’s goal: Whenever a searcher browses the internet, there is always an intent behind the search that may be purchasing or gaining information. Also, their initial intent of purchasing may differ from the final intent. For example, a searcher wants to purchase a watch but you can’t guess their intent is of purchasing a men’s watch, a women’s watch, or a kids’ watch. So, in that case, you need to try and serve both the intents of a searcher.

2. Engage users and build trust among them: UI/UX and branding play an important role in giving users a profound experience. This not only improves your brand recognition but leaves a great impact on ranking. So, it is advisable to use UI/UX and branding in order to engage users and build trust among them.

3. Avoid using distractive elements: A few distractive elements such as pop-ups are many times annoying to users and force them to move to your competitor’s site. So it is always advisable to unplug dissuading elements so that users can have a friendly experience when they visit your website.

4. Keep keyword targeting on top of the list: When doing Search Engine Optimization, keyword targeting is always considered on the top. Understand user intent and balance keyword targeting with other aspects such as title element, page content, URL, image file names, etc. to drive relevant traffic to your website.

5. Work on website page snippets: Website page snippets are helpful in driving more clicks and improve ranking. So you can work on your website page by including a unique meta description, title, URL format, etc. that can help you fetch more clicks.

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